Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Otford to Bundeena- BMMC celebrates 29th anniversary

Others will probably discuss the BMMCs first East of latitude 2773 training foray from Otford to Bundeena (O2B), so I will do what this blog was designed to do, post about my experiences with endurance activities.

Interestingly, the O2B is not only the birthplace of this nation (I’m sure Aboriginals landed at either Otford or Bundeena?), but also the place of my first experience with endurance activity in 1980 where as a hardened 5 year old I went on my first overnight camping trip, walking from the ferry at Bundeena to the Otford train station.

After the hysteria that is now 6 Foot race entry opening week, Scam had organised a full quorum of BMMC to retrace my original expedition along the superb RNP Coastal Walk, and on the 29th anniversary of the event.

For me it was the first return to Otford since 1980 when I had taken my Dad and elder brother (no, not the famous brother known as ‘’Scott the runner’’) on my maiden experience into the Wild.

In those days, we slept on a grassy slope overlooking one of the spectacular beaches of name I can’t remember now. No tent back then, still don’t believe in tents.

As we ran up the slopes beside each beach on Saturday, I tried to recall details of the first childhood trip. The RNP back then seemed about as remote a location as possible; full of danger, rabbits, the occasional deer sighting, waterholes, waves, sand, owls that hooted at night like an axe murderer, & otherwise general excitement.

Botanically, not much had changed since 1980; however a few other things had.

Like, who would have thought in 1980 while I was carrying a water bottle tied to my waist with a bed sheet mum had cut up, that one day we would be uploading photos onto a thing called ‘Facebook’ via a series of globally connected personal computers known as the ‘Interweb” while having a stretch?(Animal the gadget man)

Who would have thought in 1980 you would now be able to carry more calories in a single sachet than my entire dinner contained from a sachet of Chicken Noodle soup?

Who would have thought in 1980 that one day they would stop making sleeping bags that came with warm wee coloured rain water on the inside of them when you woke up?

Or that your brothers fishing rod, that you were “allowed” to carry, couldn’t actually catch the Shark you were planning to bring home as a pet.

All up, returning almost 30 years later as an adult, with friends and family, was just as memorable as my first trip long ago.

What a great place, thanks to the person who thought of the run, and that other person who gave the BMMC multi coloured little cupcakes at the finish to eat – they were great and you should open a shop.

Other runs this week, none of great note.

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