Wednesday, December 30, 2009

first few runs for 2010

Picture is at mums house at the end of my first long run, my favorite Glenbrook to Woodford to Springwood 36ks. This picture marks the beginning of build up to 2010. Trying to run as slow as I can to build base and strength before faster stuff in January and February. The strength work is easy to achieve when your carrying 6 extra kilos for 3+ hrs.

Started this first run at 1pm on Monday 28th from Glen N.P gates with the goal to run as slow as I could for as long as I could. Finished at 430pm! Had the Ipod on the entire way and was singing along as I do on the long fire trail. Saw two guys on Mtn bikes at one point (near Tobys Glen junction) who asked if that was me they could hear "singing" a few minute ago - I must be loud when singing to Midnight Oil.

Had done 3hrs, or 2 laps on Kedumba, 40hrs earlier (Boxing Day) but legs didn't feel too stuffed, just real heavy and nursing a tender achilles insertion injury. The new orthotics are taking a bit of time to get use to.

Backed up the following morning with an easy 15k back in the National Park with Scam, Slim Kiwi and Animal.

Yes I ran on XMAS day.

Its amazing how hard running can be when your not in good shape, but knowing its only temporary makes it enjoyable.

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