Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Last week

Mon AM - scheduled sleep in
Mon PM - run 2 laps birdwood Gully steps (9ks) (solo)
Mon Pm - swim 2.5ks with reps (BMMC)

Tue Am - Big Home loop (BMMC)
Tue PM - Run with PIS at River (PIS)

Wed AM - Swim at the Woods 2k (BMMC)
Wed PM - Run 3k with Refs, yes 3k!(NRL)

Thur AM - basic hill run, cut short (BMMC)
Thur PM - Big Home loop, (solo)

Fri AM - Swim 2k (solo)
Fri PM - Run Small home Loop (solo)

Sat AM - Run every singles trail North and West of Glen NP in the Lower BMs (BMMC)
Sat PM - using: excuse 1 (see previous blog)

Sun AM - Run 20k TT with group of 8 in NP (remaing trails in Lower BMs) (LBMDM)
Sun PM - Swim the woods 2k (BMMC)

A consistent approach as per previous blog

Totals: unpublished, as not statistically reliable

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