Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wollemi Traverse on Hold to Sept. 2010

Following the 'distraction' of running over the last few months, I have decided to put on hold the first ever traverse of the Wollemi NP from the Upper Hunter to Bilpin until Sept 2010.

While the planned Traverse was THE reason I decided to enter the 6 Foot Track in January (marathon training was going to be my way of ensuring I'd be fit enough to complete the traverse), as it turns out running distracted me far too much during Jan & Feb from preparing properly for the traverse(in a serendipitously positive way of course).

Following a poorly executed food drop into the Central Wollemi last thursday (including 6 painful hours on a Mtn bike and missing the position by 5-7 kms), I realised I wasn't ready in many ways for 14 days solo in the most rugged Wilderness area in NSW, particularly given I was not organised.

So,the Traverse can wait 18 more months - but going back out and picking up the food drop is another story yet to come.

Most notably this week was a bush walk with the Scam to try and find Tesselate Hill that lies at the back of Mt Irvine (near Mt Wilson). Unfortunaley, when we got out of the car, someone (who will remain nameless in this Blog)had forgotten the map! Luckily we were confident enough to walk off into remote wilderness with no map, relying only on our gut instincts of a homing pigeon, our wits and very basic bush skills.

As for running, two easy weeks followed the race, and then one really easy week while away for work in Brisbane, where I am blogging from. Runnning in a CBD is horrible, makes you appreciate the clean air and fire trails of the Blue Mtns.

Time to start training again, with some big races coming up- just need to work out what they are?


  1. After NF I'm thinking of tackling some local challenges but smaller than your epic wollemi traverse. Maybe the K3PM expedition in June or simply K2M or 3 Peaks. Need to get fit for much larger challenges.

    Join me?

  2. Shogun, I'll definitely join you, some big long run epics will be in order, count me in.

  3. Shogun, I'll definitely join you, some big long run epics will be in order, count me in.
