5 weeks to go (I think) to 6 foot track!
After a Monday off, the temperatures went back up to the now standard 35 degrees in the Blue Mtns. No runs on Mon, Wed or Friday (excluding mini tri on Fri)
Some hard session, most notably were;
- 3 laps around river on Tue,3rd in 21.55s,
- Thursdays speed session in NP where it was 38.5 degrees upon starting and 34 when finished, the Shogun slowly improving tolerance to the heat each week and in some 3 ounce adidas racing flats
- Friday's Mini Tri in 40 degrees where old scores with former world No. 7 and the property speculator were settled once and for all (your only as good as your last race remember)
Good saturday run out Martins lookout to Lost World as originally surveyed by the Scam who impresed all the Dongas and Doctors with his historical knowledge of the Duck holes role in early steam engine treks over the blue mountains. Apprantly, and according to the Scam, the steam trains use to run up the Gorge to get water at the duck hole, this was before they discovered the railway the aboriginals built on the top of the ridges (this is what my tired mind recalls of his tutorial).
Big run was Sunday mornings run out to Faulco Point (with a memorable sunrise over Grose valley at 6.10am), and then out to Grose Head South, then Winmalee, then back to Douglas Street - all up estimated 48-50ks (longest run ever [exluding grose valley in 1999]), total time running was 4hrs 9mins.
Week totals: run 140ks, swim 7.3ks, ride 90ks and leaned down to 70.7kgs (skinny me)
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