Wednesday, December 10, 2008

December 10

Well I did miss a week of reports due to a sprained ankle (the 15th sprain in 15 years on the right ankle) that ocurred while running in the Glenbrook NP in the middle of a late Friday afternoon storm.
Sat 6th of December saw the Byrnes Memorial fun run held where my two year reign was mercilessly ended by Daniel Baldacchino..... who looks fitter than a greyhound at the momment.
Sunday was a 90 min 'bush bash' with 35 referees in Glenbrook NP, starting at the Gorge Track then up the ridge to Tunnel View L.O with "the scam" as the tail-end-charlie (a Recce of this run was performed on the Friday), with all who attended agreeing it was a great Bush Bash for the novice refs.
Sunday arvo saw a back up 90min run out the Linden Ridge Fire Trail from the back of Woodford Dam.
Monday, was a day off work and a 9hr bush walk up and down canyons and creeks in the Wollemi NP with Jimmy the Welsh and the 'Running Enigma'- Dominic Boiden. A memorable that ended with a great storm that saw 11 mils of water fall in 30mins as we emerged from the final canyon and glowing sunset....

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