The last three sundays have seen the introduction of mandatory long runs, dont know how or why I ever got out of the habbit.
Week 1: To YellowRock: - was an LSD turned sprint out to Yellow Rock look out via the long angle fire trail. Ollie started the return pace, coburn quickly joined in the mad rush then gareth couldnt put pride aside and started chasing. This left me in a lonely predicament, alone on singles ridge rd.
My moment of retribution and 'revenge strategy' was chosen precisiely to my advantage (namely, encourage a pace they coulndt hold, then exploit the terrain to their detriment), simply put, hang on for grim death then attack on the biggest hill.
Well, after this, ollie was talking about the "merits of walking" the last K of a LSD, coburn was gone!, and gareth internally combusted and was found 30 mins later crawling up Rickard Rd, requiring a lift home....its lucky gareth has no ego. Overall a typical and classic run that should be recorded.
Run 2hr 6mins
Week 2: Glen to Wood - After all the controversary of last week, a hot Glenbrook to Woodford sunday arvo was chosen. The pace was agreeable, with gareth, ollie, me hitting heli pad in 65-69 mins??? and Woodford in 2hrs 6 mins. Legs broke after two solid down hill sprints...
Week 3: Faulco Point and Grose River - Getting tired now. A sunday arvo out to Faulco point with James Matthews (after he did Nepean Tri), then a solo run down to Grose river for a swim. Thought a solid run/ scramble up the steps to the fire trail from the river would be in order....17mins 50 secs later arrival at top. Easy 40 mins jog back to Douglas st. legs saw still 5 days later, though a great time trial up the steps (pb is 17m 20secs recodred in 2007 6ft track training). Run 2hrs 8mins.
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